Thursday, August 10, 2006

Birthday Horoscope

My horoscope for this week courtesy of Rob Brezsny's Freewill Astrology:

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): A few weeks ago, eight-year-old Harrison Vonderau was playing golf with his dad on a course in Cleveland when he shot a hole-in-one. Father and son experienced an even more shocking delight 20 minutes later when the boy scored yet another hole-in-one. It was an almost unbelievable accomplishment for anyone, let alone a kid. Harrison is your role model for the coming week, Leo. I predict that a young part of you --either your inner child or your inner teenager --will score an unlikely and spectacular coup, the equivalent of two holes-in- one.

All I can say is it is about damn time!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Birthday Chair - Solitary Party

Happy Birthday

Odd for a Leo to celebrate a birthday alone, isn't it?